My Commute – Kieran’s Story
One of my best experiences throughout university was the commuting that I got the opportunity to do. Travelling by train was an interesting experience, to say the least. Even though you would often have to battle crowded or delayed trains, as well as other factors, travelling via train was still an enjoyable experience. Now, it is worth saying that the trains can be stressful at times as I just mentioned. There will be times where you will find your train has been delayed by 20 minutes meaning you’ll almost have to run to get to your class on time. Or it could be that the train timetable gets changed meaning…
Lifelong Friends – Kieran’s Story
As I previously mentioned in an earlier blog, you can almost guarantee that whilst you’re at university you’ll make a lot of very good friends. You’ll often find that you have a lot in common with those on your course. Not just because of your degree, but also because of the type of people you meet. And even if you don’t, use it as a chance to learn new things. Take the opportunity to make friends and use it to the best of your abilities because the people who you work alongside will always make the workload easier. Not only will you be able to learn from one another, you’ll…
My First Steps in HE – Kieran’s Story
Now that I’d completed phase one, it was time for phase two. My first couple of weeks at University. On the first day of Uni, I was really nervous for a multitude of reasons. Not only was I going there as the first in my family, but I was also going there as someone who’d never really been to Worcester before. I’d also never travelled on the train by myself before. Don’t be afraid if you feel the same when you start University. It’s natural. For me, I was only going to a city that’s 45 minutes away from where I live, but for others, it could be that you…
Before University and Applying – Kieran’s Story
When it comes to my student life story, it’s probably good to start at the very beginning. And by the beginning, I mean A levels. Whilst I was doing my GCSE’s, I had to decide which route I wanted to go down when I attended college. For me, A levels seemed like the right choice. It would allow me to study some of the subjects I’d had a long term interest in, as well look at potential career plans. When it comes to A levels or BTEC’s, make sure you’re choosing something you have a passion in. This is exactly what I did and it’s why I studied Politics, Law,…
Hi, I’m Charlie
Hi, my name’s Charlie (if you hadn’t have guessed from the title!) I now work on behalf of a project, Aimhigher Plus, that talks about different education routes and next steps. I’ve created this blog, alongside some of my friends and work colleagues, to share their stories about the realities of education and to show the stories of how we got where we are. But you want to know more about me, because this is probably why you’re here, reading this… I’m an only child which means my parents were particularly protective over me and lived a pretty sheltered life. I admit I’m particularly fortunate that that side of things…