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    Surviving Self Isolation

    This hasn’t exactly been a year anyone expected, with us all becoming masters at virtual video calls and bulk-buying toilet roll, we certainly aren’t going to forget it any time soon. As we continue to live through a worldwide pandemic, many of us have had to adapt our way of living. A few weeks ago, I had to do my part and self-isolate for 14 days after coming into contact with someone with COVID-19. Looking back, the time flew by, but at the time, it seemed as if the world had stood still, so I had to get creative with what activities were going to occupy my time. If you…

  • Student Journey Stories,  Student Life Stories,  Uncategorized

    Lockdown 2.0 Survival Tips

    Sophie gives some survival tips on the second national lockdown in England and the things she learnt from the first and how to best look after yourselves! When I heard the announcement of the nation going into a second lockdown, it made me think, how did the first lockdown go? The first lockdown was tough on us all, and I was no exception to this. So, how am I going to ensure that this lockdown is not a repeat of what was experienced earlier in the year? I have made a list of the things I am going to focus upon, to ensure that I am making myself the priority.…