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What I wish I knew before going to University

This is a picture of Millie, she is sat across the table in a restaurant and is smiling and holding her drink.

Starting University? In need of some tips? You’ve come to the right place! I have created this to give you some words of wisdom from an undergraduate who knows a thing or two about attending university and I really wish I had this when I started! 

I hope this reassures you and gives you more of an idea about university life and what opportunities and support there is so you can get the most out of your time there. 

Your time at Uni really does fly by, so you must make the most of it! (You’ll be tired of hearing this, but it is so true, I am going into my third year this September and I cannot believe how quick it’s gone). 

  1. Get involved! 

Whichever university you attend, there is bound to be lots of clubs and societies on offer.  Societies are a great place to make new friends whilst enjoying an activity you are interested in. In my university welcome week, I decided to attend a society and sports fair to see what was on offer- ensure you do your research and see if there are any events on at your university so you can get involved.  

At my university, I was able to attend a taster session to see if I enjoyed the club before joining, I was able to attend a few and see what suited me best. Do the same! There’s no harm in trying and see what’s right for you. 

  1. Get organised 

Be sure to get a planner to write down your timetable and first deadlines; this will allow you to get on top of your work from day one and set the standard for your studies. My university provided a free planner and pen during welcome week so I had no excuses!  

  1. Have fun! 

Enjoy fresher’s week, go out with friends, and have a great time. It is important to have fun and have a work life balance. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Quiz nights at the student union are a must, a great way for you and your flat mates/ friends to mingle so why not suggest it?  

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

It is important to speak up and ask for help if you are struggling; universities have support systems in place such as wellbeing workshops, counselling and mental health, disability support etc so don’t be afraid to use them. 

You can also speak to a lecturer or tutor and access support through them. Lecturers are there to give advice and they can help you get in touch with the right people. 

  1. Stay safe 

It is important to have fun and enjoy the night life, but I would like to stress how important it is to get home safe. Please make sure you are aware of the dangers and stay safe.  

My tips for staying safe: 

  • Have money for a taxi home. 
  • Stick with a friend/ group. 
  • Ensure your phone has sufficient charge. 
  • Making sure people know where you are. 
  • If walking alone, share your location settings on your phone with a friend or family member. 

I hope you have found these tips useful. Be sure to comment below with any questions or tips of your own! Enjoy university, and I wish you all the best. 

I hope you found this blog helpful, let me know if you have any questions! Comment below or message us on Instagram!

Take care, 

Millie x 

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This is a selfie of some of the University Insiders smiling whilst on a walk. Casey is Front and centre and is taking the photo. In the back ground, from left to right, we have Olivia, Kieran, Charlie and Sophie.
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Millie is an undergraduate studying Religion, Philosophy and Values in Education. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, drawing, yoga and has a new found love for horse riding.

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