Student Fest 2021

Library – Student Fest 2021 Green, Orange & Blue Zone

Welcome to the Library of Student Fest! This is where we’ve kept a list of all the useful links we’ve shared across the festival (and some more we couldn’t quite fit in!) It will be updated throughout the summer, so don’t panic if you spot any blank bits!

Save the link to this page if you want to come back to this again in the future.

If you’d like to get back to the Map to go back to the festival, follow the link:

If you’d like to talk to us, DM us on The Access Platform found here:

Green Zone

Get Set Go (Preparation for your next steps)

First Day (Walkthrough what to expect)

Travel (Tips and Commuting Stories)

Orange Zone

Going Virtual

Wellbeing (Wellbeing and Mental Health support)

The Cash Point (Student discounts, finance and more!)

Blue Zone

Exam Busting (Exam and Revision tips)

Main Stage (Exciting talks to prepare you and helpful resources)

Support Tent (Support Available)

Parental Support!

ATTENTION PARENTS University Insiders YouTube playlist, a series of 10 videos exploring UCAS, Open Day top tips from a Mum, Higher Education in a college and much, much more!

Attention Parents Playlist link

Pink Zone Coming Soon

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University Insiders are a group of recent graduates that tell authentic stories of their journeys through education and beyond. We collaborate together to give you insight into our lives so you can choose what steps in life you want to take next. We work in collaboration with current students, external contributors and guests as well as Aimhigher West Midlands to give you loads of great info!

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