Student Fest 2021

Travel Zone – Student Fest 2021

This is an image of the welcome banner for the 'Travel Zone'.  The grass is green as we are in the green zone. There are also trees, clouds and sunshine surrounding! It's giving off the festival feel!

Don’t forget to click the ‘University Insiders’ icon in the bottom right hand corner and subscribe to our YouTube channel! Unfortunately we no longer have the Access Platform but you are more than welcome to drop us a message on Instagram, we’d love to chat to you over there.

Welcome to the Student Fest 2021 ‘Travel Zone’, with loads of useful information about your commute! Whether it’s getting on the bus to college, commuting to university by train or popping home at the weekends, we have it all! In this zone you will find real student stories along with useful budget friendly tips on travel! We’ve linked documents below for you to download and take away with you for the future.

If you’d like to return to the Student Fest 2021 map at anytime, click the sign post below
Click this colourful signpost to return to the landing page and choose your map!



This is the cover page for the 'Daily Commute' PDF. There is a downloadable version below.

We have information you can download to take with you! Just hit download! These PDFs have loads of amazing info and go into more depth to give you great impartial guidance.  

Our Story

Our University Insiders have provided some short videos to help you get thinking about your potential commute! There is a little something for everyone but if we haven’t covered something that you have questions about, don’t be afraid to get in touch!

This is an image of a road. Olivia is in the window of the bus on her way to college, Kieran is in the window of his car on the way to university and Remy is in the window of a train that is going along a bridge over the top. She's on her way to university too.

Olivia’s Story

Olivia talks us through her experience of commuting to college via bus.

Don’t forget to click the ‘University Insiders’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner and subscribe to our YouTube channel! 

Kieran’s Story

Kieran talks us through his experience of commuting to university via car.

Don’t forget to click the ‘University Insiders’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner and subscribe to our YouTube channel! 

Remy’s Story

Remy talks us through her experience of commuting to university via train.

Don’t forget to click the ‘University Insiders’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner and subscribe to our YouTube channel! 

Popular Questions

Should I move away for university or commute?

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Aim Higher YouTube channel!

Can I afford to move away from home for university?

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Aim Higher YouTube channel!

Will I miss out if I stay at home for university?

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Aim Higher YouTube channel!

We hope you enjoyed this zone! If you would like us to cover anything else, don’t forget to leave your suggestions below! We’d love to hear your top tips too, you can share them with each other in the comments.

This is a green banner, situated within the festiva,l that reads 'Thanks for visiting'. It is surrounded by trees and the sun is shining.

Since the success of Student Fest in 2020 we have launched another online event all about careers. The ‘Job Board’ zone was extremely helpful to lots of people so we wanted to create more content on this topic! We have essentially turned this zone into it’s very own event! If you’d like to visit ‘Careers Fayre’, another interactive event to explore at your own pace, click the link below! It’s a great place to go when thinking about your steps to your dream career. 

This is a preview image of the Careers Fayre Map. This is an illustrated map of a fun fayre. It has 8 stalls with striped roofs and matching bunting. There is a large ferris wheel in the centre with lots of carts containing spotlights on different career areas. There are also some hot air balloons in the sky. The 'Careers Fayre 2021' logo is situated just below the ferris wheel.
Click the link below to step inside the Careers Fayre Map

If you have any questions don’t forget to get in touch with us over on social media.

Laptop, notebooks, pens, binder and a mug of coffee are laid on the bed. Our insiders are getting organised!

Find us on Instagram and ask some questions, we will be happy to help! 
University Insiders Logo - Click here to head to our YouTube Channel

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University Insiders are a group of recent graduates that tell authentic stories of their journeys through education and beyond. We collaborate together to give you insight into our lives so you can choose what steps in life you want to take next. We work in collaboration with current students, external contributors and guests as well as Aimhigher West Midlands to give you loads of great info!

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