Planning and Goal Setting

Welcome to the Planning and Goal setting stall. Here you will be able to gather everything you need to get that motivation and purpose you desire! Sometimes it is hard to know where to start so we want to help you. If you have any questions don’t forget to get in touch with us over on Social Media – Links Below

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Overwhelmed with how to plan for the future? No worries! David Hyner, a motivational speaker, gives you some info for how to look at the future!

Just like a real Careers Fair, we have information you can download to take with you! Just hit download! These PDFs have loads of amazing info and go into more depth to give you great impartial info

Are you struggling with motivation in other areas? Sophie chats to us about how to stay motivated to exercise!
Click the preview to check out Sophie’s blog!
Careers Fayre has no end date! We are continuously updating our resources and looking for more content to help you guys out in this tricky time! If there is anything you would like to see, then feel free to leave a comment or get in touch with us on our Instagram.
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