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My Journey into self-care and self-love – Sophie’s Story

This morning I decided to get up at 5.30am, run for 4.5km and give myself hair and face masks. All of this is self-care to me. I enjoyed it (even the run), and I felt great afterwards because I felt like I was showing myself and my body respect. I also felt like I was making time to progress with my goals (even if it means getting up ridiculously early!).

So many of us lead such busy and hectic lives that we fail to leave any time for ourselves. Technology has such a strong hold over the world today. It’s almost like we are numb to how we feel and have forgotten to live in the present moment. I used to believe that those who engaged in “self-care” practices were weird and that they were more of a luxury rather than a necessity – I can now confirm that I was completely wrong!

I have broken down the different areas where self-care can be targeted, including suggesting some tasks you might want to consider. However, everyone is different, so different strategies might work better for you. Do not be afraid to try new things and know that no one’s journey will be the same.

Remember, you will not get the benefit straight away. Just like exercising, you will not see any changes initially, but by repeating the behaviour you will eventually start to see results.

  1. Physical care
  • Be aware of what nutrients you are fuelling your body with
  • Engaging in daily exercise (walking is a great daily activity)
  • Do not underestimate the power of a face mask
  • Ensuring you are drinking plenty of water
  • Instead of watching TV all night, make sure you are getting 7 or more hours sleep every night.

2. Social care

  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Do not be afraid to say no
  • Do things that you enjoy
  • Make sure you give attention to the relationships which are important to you

3. Mental care

  • Identify and reduce your life stress (where you can)
  • Take time out (from work or people) if you need to
  • Make yourself the priority of your life – you will never have a relationship as long as the one you have with yourself, so it makes sense to put yourself first
  • Progress and develop yourself – listening to podcasts or reading for 10 minutes a day is a great way to do this

4. Spiritual care

  • Remember, you are only in competition with yourself – stop comparing yourself to others
  • Be kind to yourself and others
  • Forgiveness is an amazing power
  • Meditation

5. Emotional care

  • Accepting yourself as you are (this could be applied to any of the categories)
  • Be present in your life – it is great to think about the future, but do not let it stop you from being present. The same can be said for the past. Learn from yesterday to better yourself, but that is as far back as you go
  • Forgive yourself
  • Let go of judgement

Now we are back in a national lockdown, it is important you make time to care for yourself so that you can be the best you can possibly be.

If this has been useful to you or you want to ask me any questions about today’s post, feel free to leave a comment or drop me a message on Instagram or TAP.

Have a great day!

Soph x 

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This is a selfie of some of the University Insiders smiling whilst on a walk. Casey is Front and centre and is taking the photo. In the back ground, from left to right, we have Olivia, Kieran, Charlie and Sophie.
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Sophie is a Sport and Exercise graduate. She loves to push her 5k morning runs, loves a sweet treat and to binge on Netflix!

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