Student Journey Stories,  Student Life Stories

Opportunities – Kieran’s Story

When it comes to opportunities, I can not count the number that we as students were given. When we arrived at the university, the number of chances we got from the outset were incredible. Before the degree was even officially started, there was a board set up to get as many chances as we could possibly imagine!

During my time at university, I was given the chance to work on two separate summer placements. One of them was at the oldest law firm in Worcester, Hallmark Hulme, whilst the other was at the Worcestershire County Council. Both work placements gave me some really great experiences that I know will really help me when it comes to my future career plans.

During my time at Hallmark Hulme, I was given an insight into what life might be like as a solicitor. I was able to look at the different roles that you could get involved in, that might not have necessarily meant being a solicitor. There was also the chance to really test my knowledge at the time and learn new things that I could use further down the line. They were really great in giving me the chance to work on my own case and try and find the issue to have the matter resolved.

Meanwhile, working with Worcestershire County Council gave me a whole different perspective of the legal world. I was able to see the massive differences that come with working for a law firm and a councils legal department. It was really interesting to compare the two placements and see what similarities and differences they had. I was able to see how the two specialise in different areas of the law and how their practices differ with one another. Whilst on placement with the council, a lot of my time was spent in courtrooms or meetings. This was the polar opposite to Hallmark as that was mainly focused on working in the office.

These opportunities, along with the other things I got involved in whilst at University, really helped to shape my university experiences and almost “filled in the blanks” that I know would have been there had I not taken the chance when they were presented to me.

For anyone looking to go to university, I would highly encourage you to do so as it will not only allow you to pursue something you have a passion for, but it will also give you some of your best memories and greatest friends. It can allow you to look at all your possible options, rather than potentially focusing on one particular area. Don’t worry if you’re nervous about not doing so well on the placements as the idea behind them is experience. They are there to give you an insight into possible lines of work, whilst also allowing you to develop new skills, whilst also implementing some of your own!

This is the last in the series about my student story. I hope you enjoyed reading it! I’ll be back with more advice and top tips in the near future!

Kieran is a Law Graduate who loves to game in his spare time and walk his dog, Max

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