Student Journey Stories,  Student Life Stories

Lifelong Friends – Kieran’s Story

As I previously mentioned in an earlier blog, you can almost guarantee that whilst you’re at university you’ll make a lot of very good friends. You’ll often find that you have a lot in common with those on your course. Not just because of your degree, but also because of the type of people you meet. And even if you don’t, use it as a chance to learn new things. Take the opportunity to make friends and use it to the best of your abilities because the people who you work alongside will always make the workload easier. Not only will you be able to learn from one another, you’ll also be able to make some great memories that will last forever. I personally made some incredible memories whilst at university and they will be with me for the rest of my life, as will the people I made them with.

There were nights where instead of going out, we’d end up turning back and chatting to your friends for hours on end until you soon realise it’s 4 in the morning and you should all try and get some sleep. There were also times where we would be there for one another to make sure we wouldn’t miss anything. One time that I remember fondly is the time I helped my friend Niamh. She needed to be in for a really important assessment one morning, but because of her commute, she wouldn’t have made it in for 9:15 am. So I decided to let her stay over so that she would be able to make it in on time.

Another one of my friends, Chelsea, would always walk back to the car with me since we parked in the same place. This was always a nice time since it allowed us to talk about all things University, but also anything else that was going on in each of our personal lives. Having friends like this really makes university easier as it can help take your mind of a lot of things, whilst also having the opportunity to get some very good advice.

Like I said, friends at University are important. You never really know when you’ll need that shoulder to cry on, but just knowing that you have that shoulder will always make things easier.

It’s also worth saying that this doesn’t mean you’ll lose the friends you’ve made throughout school and college etc. If anything, it will only make those friendships stronger. You’ll make sure to cherish every single second you get to spend with them because you might find that you won’t be able to see them as much as you’d like to. It will also be a chance for you to share all the new experiences you will both have because undoubtedly that friend will also be doing something great and exciting with their life. It might be that the study at a different university as you and you want to hear about what it’s like. Or it might be that they are in a new job and on the way to a promotion or learning new things on an apprenticeship or college course.

Whatever it may be, there’s no doubting that for every new friend you make at university, the chances are you’ll be making another friendship you’ve already got a lot stronger.

Kieran is a Law Graduate who loves to game in his spare time and walk his dog, Max

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