Student Journey Stories,  Student Life Stories

Hi, I’m Kieran

Hi, I’m Kieran. I’m an ambassador for the University of Worcester and from Hereford. I enjoy lots of different things including gaming, electronic dance music and horse racing. I’m the first in my family to go to University and the first to study Law at the University of Worcester. This was because it was a brand new course! I found this super exciting as it allowed me to create a little bit of history at the university and will always be something I look back on fondly! (It also allows you to brag a little to your friends and family!)

You’ll be hearing a lot more from me over the coming weeks with how my student journey from sixth-form to uni went, with the challenges I faced and how I overcame them! (I’m so glad I did!)

Kieran is a Law Graduate who loves to game in his spare time and walk his dog, Max

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